Saturday, August 31, 2019

Netflix Business Model Analysis Essay

Netflix is an online subscription-based DVD rental service that promises to connect their customers to the movies and television shows they love through means of sending discs through the mail or streaming them directly via the internet. For only $7.99 per month, Netflix offers their customers unlimited access to their massive video library (>70,000 titles as of year-end 2006) and is able to deliver DVD’s by mail to over 90% of their nearly 7 million subscribers in only a single business day. There are many factors that go into how Netflix is able to generate profit with this business model. First and foremost, Netflix uses a subscription-based revenue model. This came about after adopting a more emergent business strategy to better adapt to feedback being provided by its customers. Netflix initially used a revenue model similar to that of the brick and mortar video rental stores with the thought that the convenience factor of having discs mailed directly to your home would outweigh the inconvenience of having to wait the extra time it took to ship the discs. In 1999, Netflix shifted to the, more simplified, subscription-based model which, in turn, increased the value proposition that Netflix was able to offer its customers. Another large consideration in generating profit is their partnerships with nearly all of the major movie studios that allows them to purchase DVD’s at a reduced up-front cost in return for a fee based on how often those discs are rented in a given time period. This, in conjunction with a good recommendation system that brings older titles to the forefront of customer’s minds and the Netflix subsidiary company, Red Envelope Entertainment allows Netflix to house a larger library of titles for a lower cost than its competition while satisfying the sizable niche market of individuals who are interested in renting titles that they have missed or re-renting titles they’ve already seen that most video stores could not.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Appropriate Use of Transparency Essay

Transparency in management circles is considered a competitive advantage. It involves sharing all information that one is ready to share including uncomfortable one. Transparency implies communication, openness and accountability. Last year I worked in a Non Governmental organization where I found out that they were require being transparent by donors and other stakeholders for them to continue receiving funds and support. That time the organization was experiencing a high labor turnover because management felt that they knew what subordinate staff wanted. They thought they needed a salary increase while in real sense they needed better working conditions (Stever, 2012). When they start involving in decision making and transparency, trust and loyalty increased. Opponents of transparency argue that it is a bad idea to use transparency strategy where information may be misrepresented, distorted or misunderstood. Being transparent may take a lot of resources and more time hence slowing the organization process. It is argued that organizations that practice full transparency are easy target of attacks and are vulnerable to groups that feel alienated or underrepresented (Stever, 2012). It also a bad strategy where the company wants to keep trade secrets and other information that is unique. Another example is in management of international negotiation and agreements. Diplomats believe that a certain degree of ambiguity is necessary in successful negotiations. It is also a bad strategy to use in international politics and economic stability (Stever, 2012). It is believed that collapse of Briton wood exchange rate regime was to a large extent caused by inability to accommodate ambiguity. For leader to exert influence they must be transparent in order to make authoritative decisions, creating means of putting them into actions and creating support or them. Leaders who are transparent are trusted by their follower and build loyalty. This gives them a lot of influence. Reference Stever, E. W. (2012). Transparency. Rocky Point, N.Y.: Writers Ink Press. Source document

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Respons essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Respons - Essay Example This is used several parts of the film and this is especially those where the young girl is talking. This shows that she has stopped practicing the traditions of the community and has actually developed to know foreign languages. With relation to Arabic speaking, this is where the parents of the girl are talking. This is also another genre found when Asfour talks and this is critical for it shows Aleya’s parents that the he has morals and respect for traditions. The film reflects European influences in many different ways. One of the ways it accomplishes this and through the vastness manner is through ensuring that they show the authority of the parents. The parents of the girl are very deeply interested in their class that they do not adhere to the importance of the kid’s desires. This is common in many European countries where they get to decide the person their daughter marries. One of the main cultures that is witnessed in the film is regarding their appearance. Many Arabs have recognition for having a lot of wealth. Most of the wealth in these families is inherited through time to the respective heirs. The inheritance case is the same witnessed here where the father of Aleya does not wish to allow the daughter to marry a person who is not of their caliber. The film offers a lot of credible and informative material regarding the issue of Arabs and the social classes that they have. In the community, respect comes from the amount of wealth that a family has. In the film, the father did not approve of the marriage as associating with a lesser class would have him lose respect. It is critical to note that high class is treated specially in this community. There are some symbols used in the film. An example of the symbols used in the film is the large mat set to the side of the palace where Aleya’s family lives. This is the greatest symbol to note in the film. The symbol represents the religious aspect of the community where despite the judgmental

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Annotated bibiography (euthanasia) Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bibiography (euthanasia) - Annotated Bibliography Example Mainly intended for medical practitioners and health professionals, the work contains a set of discussion cases addressed by an interdisciplinary panel, which , it is to be hoped, would lead to more work on these lines. 2. Milton D. Heifez. "The Right to Die" Putnam. New York 1975. The author, while putting forward the cases of adults and defective infants and their right to die , gives well documented examples. While the author puts forth powerful arguments on the issues of merciful death, more information could be given on organ transplants. An insightful book, "The Right to Die" is a useful tool for psychologists as well as sociologists. Being a summary of the history of the Right to die movement, the book is insightfully written. Derek Humphrey being the founder of the Hemlock Society, is well qualified to write about the various cases and aspects of the movement. Addressing an audience of adults , the book gives detailed reports of some of the most famous cases of euthanasia. While it is full of information, an easier style would have been more apt. 4. Hoefler, James. M. . "Managing Death" Westview Press (1997). Boulder. 206 pages While the book is mainly intended for the health professionals, it is well written and readable by the layman.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ethics and policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Ethics and policies - Essay Example Ethics can best be defined as standards of moral behaviour that are accepted by society as right versus wrong (Nickels et al, 2005). Businesses, as much as an individual, are held accountable for their actions in relationship to societys ethical expectations. Most modern companies are struggling to emerge profitable and reputable in a market that is saturated with competition. One of the tactics used to increase positive visibility in the business world is in establishing a distinctive ethical position. As much important as a companys mission or vision statement is the establishment of a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics annual report. The purpose of this statement is to apply ethical standards to all employees, directors, officers, and possibly subsidiary groups that define disciplinary actions for those who breach the code of conduct. What this serves is to separate the company from any possible negative assessments of its policies on behalf of consumers and to send the message t hat any deviation from ethical code will be immediately corrected through new initiatives or employee accountability for the act. In establishing a distinctive ethical position, most companies tend to address issues such as conflicts of interest, confidentiality, fair dealings with other entities, compliance standards, and sometimes cultural ethical standards when dealing with international organisations. The publicity gained from such an ethics code aids not only the business by securing its ethical actions, but also serve the communities, shareholders, and can prevent costly legalities brought on by unfair business practices. These types of lawsuits can be as minor as a breach in employment policy to as extensive as misrepresenting company earnings to inflate company stock. In a world where multiple businesses have been flattened due to false representation of company revenue, offering a It is quite clear to see the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Operations Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operations Summary - Essay Example Examples of these include the grocery stores, ATM at banks, the supermarkets, websites and e-ticketing. In this design the physical office is eliminated (APICS) Personal attention: In this approach the customer has a minimum contact with the provider and the customer develops a relationship with the service provider representative. Eg sales person. This approach the work flow is not customized and provider seeks to build customer loyalty. Job Shop Process: This is manufacturing of a product in a fixed time and cost as per the requirements of the customer, and is done one by one. The jobs are unique, volumes are low and the variety is quite high (S. Anil Kumar, 2006, p. 17). The examples of Job Shops include in metal fabricators, ship building and in construction. Batch flow; examples of batch flow include air travelling, traditional mortgage loan processing, textile apparels, and bread factories. The products are manufactured in regular intervals, characterized by the routing of the jobs and sometimes the products are kept in a warehouse awaiting sales (S. Anil Kumar, 2006, p. 18). Assembly line: The examples of assembly line include in car manufacturing, mobile handset, television and most consumer products goods. The operations are performed in sequence and are assembly-oriented. The product moves from one workstation to the next in a sequence of operations and materials are handled by devices like conveyors (S. Anil Kumar, 2006, p.19). APICS. (n.d.). APICS Operations Management. Retrieved August 27, 2014, from APICS:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critically assess the extent and character of the impact of digital Essay

Critically assess the extent and character of the impact of digital media upon one cultural sector of your choosing - Essay Example The advancement of the internet technology as well as the world wide -web has resulted in a dynamic shift regarding the way businesses operate for effective competition in the market place. Modern technology and the World Wide Web have made it easy for organizations, both large and small, to seek clients on a global perspective. Establishment of the web presence has turned out to be a crucial factor for a consistent growth and development for many businesses. However, many companies find it a challenge in transitioning to the world of e-commerce (Alter, 2009). An effective penetration in the world of e-commerce has necessitated a formulation of an efficient solid internet marketing strategy. Business leaders today have either embraced or still figuring out on how to embrace the digital media in this dynamic business environment. This is because; the digital media can be effectively used in evaluating the level of market awareness, and uncovering new insights in business categories. Organizations have found out that consumer conversations can be analyzed through online means at both category and product level (Rindfleisch et al, 2012, 182). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of digital media on advertising. Despite the negative impact associated with the digital media, there are also positive attributes that can be related with it. For instance, digital media has enabled companies to relay information to their customers or the public faster than ever. Instead of printing inserts and waiting for local papers to announce their sales, organizations can let the international community know about the extant promotion and services through social network, mail and the internet (Alter, 2009, 11). The development of social media in marketing platforms has been increasingly used by organizations in building social signals that are very crucial in many SEO

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Community 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Community 2 - Essay Example It is important to acknowledge that resources are always. Otherwise, the available resources can be used to produce good services when used properly. The hospital under study has a number of critical issues. The approach given towards realizing solutions is important. The death of Mr. B could be controlled if the hospital could implement relevant policies. It is necessary to appreciate the existence of the hospital in the rural area. Accessibility to the nearest health center has been a challenge to many communities. The next issue is whether the rural hospitals have enough resources to handle tasks. Rural hospitals act as supplements for well established hospitals. For instance, the unit can only accommodate 60 beds. It only handles emergencies which should then be referred to big hospitals (Holzemer, 2012). Embracing quality leadership skills is helping in ensuring that the hospital operates successfully in order to avoid such as Mr. B’s. Despite the fact that the hospital is in a rural area, it could handle if proper it took proper measures into account. The hospital lacked adequate mechanism to diagnose Mr. B’s problem. It either failed to give him attention at first or was not responsible to handle him. Mr. B complained of severe pain to his leg. The initial results could not justify his feelings. The hospital did not give the patent a proper response to the pains that he was claiming about (Holzemer, 2012). Hospitals and emergency units would use the right mechanisms when responding to issues. The hospital culture can be blamed for worsening of the patient’s situation at the facility. Leadership quality functions to implement policies that enable an organization to produce efficient services. The management needs to apply the right skills in ensuring that the hospital meets the needs of the community. The case reveals that some problems are caused by patents. People should be in the forefront of caring for their lives. It is upon a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Equity and trust law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Equity and trust law - Essay Example However, as Pettit3 argues, equity operates on the conscience of the owner of legal interest and so in the case of a trust; the conscience of the legal owner of the estate is required to carry out that purpose for which it was intended, or which the law obliges him or her to do. This is because English law is based on formalities which must be fulfilled in order for a transfer of trust to be considered as complete. These formalities are achieved in different processes, but all include some form of official government document which the donor of an estate must sign as an indication of the transfer of the estate. In English trust law, these formalities are considered as the absolute way to determine the absolute owner of an estate, without having to consider so many factors. The main issue with regard to the requirements of these formalities is that many property owners die before they have made a formal will and this leaves room for conflicts among the people who were related to them in different ways. While at times the court can find that there was intent by the diseased to place his or her trust to another person even if the said person is not an obvious heir to the diseased and in the interest of an express will or effectuation of transfer of interest, the law still depends a much as is possible on formalities and only considers other avenues where formalities have not been met. Even in such as the Paul v Constance [1977] 1 WLR 527 case in which the judge depended on other sources of evident to decide the case in favour of the plaintiff who was claiming property rights against the legal wife of the diseased person, the court had to gravitate towards any available formalities or the evidence of intended will to meet these formalities. The case indicates that being the natural heir to property is not enough for the court to decide in your favour. For instance, in the above case, Mrs Constance who was the defendant was the natural heir to the estate of Mr Const ance’s estate because they were still legally married by the time Mr Constance died. Conversely, Mrs Paul was only a live-in partner to Mr Constance and her rights in Mr Constance’s estate were very limited or even non existence. Yet, regardless of that, the court jugged in favour Mrs Paul. This only goes to show how complicated trust law can be. How such a case goes also depends on whether the judge(s) will choose to use technicalities or not. Regardless of the nature of this case and the unexpected outcome, it is clear that the court made the decision while keeping in mind the need for formalities in completion of transfer of trust as well as equity in such cases. To look at both sides, the court had to look at the faintest of evidence for intent by Mr Constance to transfer the will, and at the same time wanted to deliver a judgement that offered equity. The intention of the case is to deliver justice with the available evidence available. In the present case, it is clear that there is some evidence that the two aunts had received from Lady Meera the intention of transfer of trust. In the first case with regard to aunt Jemima, Lady Meera had left her the papers to the shares. In the second case, she had showed Aunt Beatrix the estate. These facts are important in the case and can determine the way the judge will decide to end the case. As a result, in trying to get custody of these property which the two aunts are

Report on the company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report on the company - Essay Example Coca-Cola is a 128 year old multinational company that has its presence in over 200 countries, and produces over 3500 products (Lim and Wong, 2014). It does not take a single hand to accomplish that amount of success within those numbers of years in all these countries that include USA, Britain, Kenya and many others. Its success depends on the several suppliers that it depends on to provide raw materials and valuable resources. . These provide the system with materials such as ingredients, packaging and machinery, as well as goods and services (The Coca-Cola Company 2014). Coca-Cola products range from soft drinks to drinking water, such as coke, Fanta, sprite, Dasani, Aquapure among others. This diversity in production calls for a long list of supply products to manufacture these include syrups and concentrates, sweeteners; juices; mineral waters; finished product; carbon dioxide; fuel; PET (plastic) preforms; glass, aluminum, and plastic bottles; aluminum and steel cans; pouches; closures; post-mix (fountain syrup) packaging; and other packaging materials (Wikinvest 2014). The supply chain of Coca-Cola Company involves all the companies that come into contact with the company’s products. This includes every company involved in making parts for the product, putting it together, delivering and finally selling. In other words it involves the suppliers, Manufacturers and retailers (Investopedia 2014). Due to the fact that the whole process begins with the supplier, the whole process cannot stand without the suppliers. This makes them a very key element. To understand the impact of suppliers to the Coca-Cola Company, their roles must be laid out clearly. One of the roles of the suppliers is acquisition. They provide the company with equipment, spare parts and raw materials. This enables the company to service and repair machinery, and produce end products. During the process of acquisition, they keep in contact with clients to make

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analysis of “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Essay Example for Free

Analysis of â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin Essay The short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour† was written by Kate Chopin and first appeared in 1984. It tells about the ‘one hour’ brief story of the main protagonist, Louise Mallard, and her reaction upon hearing the news of her husband’s death by a car accident. And because she had a heart problem, her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards decided to break to her the news as gently as possible. Not long after the supposedly bad news was revealed, Brently, Louise’s husband, suddenly comes home alive disproving the former, causing death to her by heart attack. Majority of the story’s progression revolve around Louise’s reaction upon hearing the news about her husband’s death (Brian, 2001). The scenes where Louise isolate herself in her room and savor her new-found freedom add up to the hanging idea of the real reason behind her death. It seems that the author actually give two possible emotional state to answer the underlying question of Louise’s joyful death: one is that she has become too overwhelmed to see her husband alive in contrary to the news about his involvement in a recent car accident and the other one is that she is saddened by the realization of the freedom that she thought she will have after hearing her husband’s loss is completely taken away from her again. Contrasting Representations Suprisingly, the short-story is written in complete contrasts of the main theme. First of these contrasting representations within the story is Louise’s reaction upon hearing the news. The news about her husband’s death should bring her agony and tears but instead; she sits calmly â€Å"facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. † Here we see a strange approach to the situation with the word â€Å"comfortable† being used to modify the chair near the window. Louise, a new widow herself, must not see the chair as â€Å"comfortable† as it seems just right after hearing the unbearable news of her husband’s death. Added to this, the scene outside the window also symbolizes something in contrast to the story’s progression. The spring day from the view outside her window shows a contrasting image to the situation she has. The spring is a symbol of â€Å"rebirth† or â€Å"new life† thus the spring prognosticates Louise’s new life after Brently’s death. Another interesting symbol in the story is the description of the view laid upon Louise’s eyes as she sits near the window: â€Å"The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves† (Brian, 2001). For the readers, the description made by Louise about the view she was seeing clouds what her true emotions were at that moment. It seemed that as she isolated herself in a room, she completely disregarded the news of her husband’s death. These representations had become tricky in contrasting the main theme the story supposes to have or tell. Kate Chopin’s idea of a Joyful Death: Appearance versus Conflict What the readers may discover in reading this story is the possibility that there is an ironic truth behind the death of the main protagonist’s beloved. In the main setting of the story where Louis sits in a comfortable chair, she mouth over the words we never expect to read or hear from her. She seems to be happy rather than being sad about Brently’s loss with what the story emphasizes on her shouting â€Å"free, free, free! The freedom she pertains here signifies of her having the will to live a life all by herself, after her husband is gone. As she plays a youthful characteristic of a woman, it is a well played proof that she was indeed after the freedom, of doing what she want to do and make decisions for herself. With this fact, the story seems to have a conflict of its own: conflict between the ideas of appearance and reality. From the moment that the story emphasizes about Louise having her â€Å"freedom† at last, it could suggest the notion to the reader(s) that she is not saddened by the news. Unlike what she had shown in the central point of the story, Louise somehow is expected to grieve by the people around her, all having the idea that her marriage with Brently was a happy one. This is what her sister Josephine completely understood with her reaction as she misinterprets Louise’s behavior and thinking. She hysterically calls out her sister in the room, believing that Louise is heart-broken but in reality, Louise is more lightened up by the news. The doctors’ judgment about Louise’s death also deals with this conflict. For them, it seemed that Louise died after realizing that her husband is alive. This appearance of Louise’s happiness is more illustrated when they predicted that due to heart attack â€Å"of joy that kills† (Brians, 2001). Never did they think of the reality that she died because of another reason. That she dies because she was heart-broken to recognize the truth that she will not be able to gain her freedom as what she expected earlier. Role of Woman versus Man Another conflict in the story accentuates the role of woman versus man in the society. It is illustrated in the story that Louise is a submissive wife to Brently. But there is an internal struggle within her that tells that she was not happily married at all. As what Louise thinks, â€Å"What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being† justifies more to the idea that she, indeed, had loved Brently but more were the times she feel not. Maybe for Brently, Louise appeared to be happy with their relationship or he thinks and assumes that she is. Apparently, Louise wanted more the freedom she had felt for in that short while. After finding out the truth that she was not yet totally free, she had thought that only by death that she would took possession of it at last. There in death she would find peace and liberty. Ironically, Louise took the realization that her husband was alive and chose to die in able to attain the freedom she longed for. Character Analysis Chopin made her characters compliment along with the theme of the story. The main character, Louise plays a youthful wife who tends to have her freedom despite her marriage with Brently. Her youth marked up the end of her life and this irony of life, of choosing liberty by death, seemed to be one of the uncertain situations in the matter of choosing life over death. Brently, although his character is not discussed further on in the story, seemed to be playing a role of a husband who wants her wife under his control. Louise would never want liberation if he was a good man to her. His characteristic gives a deeper impact in the story, making Louise choose to die with freedom rather than living with him in a life full of despair. Josephine, Louise’s sister, was recognized here as a doting sister who takes care of her and all the matters that has a connection with her. Josephine, together with Richards, had taken care of gently telling to her the â€Å"death† of her husband Brently. She half-concealed the truth, in order for Louise to accept it without suffering her heart problem. Richards, Louise’s friend, is the one who brought the news to the house, he is responsible for assuring Brently’s death. As he rushes to tell the news to his friend, there is a suggestive truth that he was worried about what his friend’s reaction would be after hearing the news. If he had not rushed over to deliver the news, there is a possibility that Brently could arrive first in the house and justify that his name in the news is a big mistake, preventing Louise’s death and would have lived more. Apart from Brently, Richards is also responsible for the protagonist’s death. The story gives us the impression that not every death could bring grief to someone. It could be, in another way, a joyful event. Chopin had also brought about the issues of women and their role in the society. The story, written in the nineteenth-century, showed how women years back had no rights to be at their own will. Women then were still under the prying eyes of the society and men dominate over them. Chopin tackles a lot of moral issue within the story. Her story suggests that it would still be better if women of her own time maintain their roles in the society. In the nineteenth-century, men are expected to be superior over women and not the other way around, not what Louise wanted to be. Her insights within the story inspires us with the vision of what harmonious relationships are ought to be and the wide complexity in bearing the contrasting truth between appearance and reality. References: Brians, Paul. et al. Reading about the World. (Vol. 2) 3rd Edition. Texas: Harcourt Brace College, 2001.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Blessed Sacraments Of Catholic And Christian Religion

The Blessed Sacraments Of Catholic And Christian Religion The Blessed Sacraments each of them very vital to Catholics and Christians, either as an element of personal spiritual growth or in terms of their significance to the church as a whole, and a lane on the road to God. These sacraments are ceremonial and point to what is sacred, significant and vital for Christians. There are seven Sacraments according to the Roman Catholic Church Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance or Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony (Marriage) and Holy Orders; these were designed to reinforce an individuals connection with God. The word sacrament comes from the Latin word Sacramentum, which means a sign of the sacred, and can be translated as mystery. o Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist o Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation or Penance, and Anointing of the sick o Sacraments of Service of Communion: Matrimony and Holy Orders Baptism Baptism is the first sacrament a Catholic/Christian receives. It begins a lifelong voyage of commitment and discipleship. Under the three sacraments of initiation, Baptism is the first. Before one can receive other sacraments, one must be baptized. The sacrament can only be received once in terms of its power to convey forgiveness of all sins, and can be received at any age. Eucharist The Eucharist is the main building block in the faith. This sacrament occurs when Catholics in good standing accept the body and blood of Jesus Christ, considered both a sacrifice and a meal, to bring them closer to God. This sacrament was initiated by Jesus, during the Last Supper that he shared with his disciples. Catholics believe that the sacrament, which must be celebrated by an ordained priest, starts by turning the bread and wine, to the body and blood of Christ during the blessing and in the true presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. Confirmation Confirmation is the third sacrament under the initiation sacraments. Although one may already have the Holy Spirit inside them, this sacrament helps one to use the Spirit within them and recognize its presence. After one is confirmed they are considered a mature individual to the faith to the people of their faith and church. One has the responsibility to the faith and to their church. The sacrament of confirmation is normally administered by the Bishop; on the other hand due to certain conditions the Bishop could assign a priest to administer the confirmation services in his absents. Those being confirmed, t sacrament shows sharing of the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands. Penance This sacrament is called by three names, confession, reconciliation, and penance. Each of these reflect one element of the sacrament. This is called confession; since one must identify and confess ones sins. One must admit they have done something immoral and are willing to take penance for. This is also is called penance because one must do something to make up for their sins. It shows that they have owned up to ones sin and are ready to strive to do better. This is called reconciliation; since one must be willing to reconcile with God and those they have wronged. The third and last is the sacrament of Penance, which restores the gift of Gods grace to one. Matrimony The sacrament of matrimony (marriage), is when a man and woman take the vows of faithfulness for one another through marriage in the eyes of all Christians. The married couple shows their marriage as a way they can live out their Christian baptismal faith. Catholics and most Christian marriages comprise of three key characteristics: their everlasting obligation to one another, their unconditional love and care for one another, and intention to have and care for children. Holy Orders The sacrament of Holy Orders (Ordination) is when a Bishop, Priest, or Deacon is the ordained, and who vows to lead other Catholics or Christians by bringing them the sacraments, by proclaiming the Gospel, and by providing other means to holiness (especially the Eucharist). The Holy Orders provides these individuals who are called upon to assist others the opportunity to do that with serving others onto their sacred journey. This provides them the power to execute certain sacraments and rituals in the Catholic faith. Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick (formally known as the Last Rites) is the sacrament that gives individuals who are suffering help. This may heal them or provide them the grace and power they need to tolerate their illness and make penance with God. Under this sacrament, the priest uses his hands on the forehead, nostrils, cheeks, lips, breast, palms of both hands, and the back of the hands (known to some as motion of lying of the hands). Then the priest speaks the words from the prayer of the gospel for behalf of the sick along with the blessing of anointing with oil; to bring the sick closer to understanding their belief and journey at that present moment in time with God. Also, this sacrament celebrates the resurrection in several ways. This helps the person to be less scared on whats to happen or whats to come if they were to pass on. A sacrament gives grace of and by itself, by the power it possesses. Jesus attached grace to the outward sign, so that that outward sign and grace go together. The blessed sacraments are quite amazing: these are everyday signs of Gods personal work. Gods wisdom showed his grace in a noticeable way to provide all of us the quieting belief when one receives grace, when he provided it. And Christ gave us several wonderful gifts. And in his sacraments, he continues to supply those gifts to us, away from all measures, at any time we require them. The Orthodox and Anglican traditions also practice all seven sacraments. Other Christian denominations only celebrate baptism and communion.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developing Business Through Human Resources

Developing Business Through Human Resources I. Since time immemorial, human resources have played a vital role in managing people and magnifying their full potential. There are key insights to surpass in any inevitable business growth, decline or any dynamic changes in a management. Business Growth First, managers should have a clear comprehension of where the organization is headed. In order for HR to anticipate fundamental stages of improvement, transition and deal with necessary shifts, they need to be genuinely familiar with the strategy, values and vision. Secondly, values and goals should be the bedrock of the business. HR has a vital position to help preserving the vision of the leader and ingraining it in all aspects of managing employees. They have to make it a point that the processes in HR are coincides the way the business would like people to work on it every day. Third, HR can make the process simple. As the business grows, there is an inevitable need to embrace a more analytical approach and orient more processes. However, it is essential to find the harmony between fluidity and structure so that the spirit of cleverness and entrepreneurial are not undermined. Fourth, HR needs to strike the balance between preservation and evolution. We tend to get sentimental on what has always been however, management should let go of it and move on from business culture processes that no longer support its priorities. Lastly, HR management needs to lay foundations for the future. HR people are often caught up in an intense cycle of recruitment and barely have the time to glance to ponder at what styles they should be putting in place to arrange the future. Managers have to make sure that they are not fastened up in a short term results and miss the important opportunities to support longer term goals. Business Decline Through the years, reducing the workforce has been the standard come back to overcome in financial difficulty. Research has shown that layoffs are particularly devastating to employees and human aftermath of cutbacks costs an arm and a leg. While reduction in workforce are unavoidable, there are fascinating reasons why downsizing-related layoffs must nevertheless perceived as a managerial tool of absolute last resort. There are several Human Resource management practices that supports a declining business. HR needs to impose an immediate freeze in hiring on management and support staff. There are other important approaches could be use that is best for the situation such as imposing mandatory vacation, workweek reduction, overtime cut pay, salary reduction, temporary facility closure, and soliciting ideas of cost-reduction from employees. It is a vital task for a firm to determine which strategy fits to solve the problem of business decline. In order to effectively choose a downsizin g strategy, HR needs to properly connect a company’s style of cost cutting with the cost reduction time frame. There are factors to consider that affects the selection of cost cutting strategy such as time, resources, budget, corporate culture, demographics, and labour market. Business Change As managers, there are roles one must consider to surpass change. HR needs to act as advocates by informing people the need for change and being positive about it. They also need to be supporters, by providing assistance and removing barriers. They could also act as motivator, by encouraging the change and providing reinforcement. One must be knowledgeable of the process in change by identifying the issue and solution, developing plan and solution, and introducing the solution and reinforcing the change. Business Competition The degree of competition in an organization affects the ability of the cgompany to recruit qualified employees. Applicants tend to seek large industries easily than with small businesses since they don’t have the same branding power or reputation. Given that scenario, HR department will need to focus on recruitment materials development, including the company in a job fair to attract people. Moreover, programs and benefits should be developed to retain key employees. Employee Development HR management’s essential responsibility is to assist staff with their professional and career development. HR can achieve this by opening new doors of opportunity to enhance the knowledge, skills, abilities, tools, resources, and opportunities to be successful in their job and career. It can be achieved by providing on the job training and coaching, providing them feedback and performance goals, asking about and supporting their goals. It is true that the success of development would depend on the person however, the manager plays an important role in motivating, supporting, removing obstacles, and providing resources for their development. II. Internal Personnel Requirements Human resources officers promote, recommend on, and implement plan associated to the usage of employees within an organisation effectively. Their desire is to assure that the organisation hires the suitable people in terms of skills and experience, and that training and development opportunities are accessible to personnel to boost their achievement and attain the goals in the organization. HR officers are responsible in a range of activities needed by the organisation such as working ethics, recruitment, salary, terms of employment, external negotiation, and equality and diversity. Internal and External Factors in Matching Personnel to: Organisational Requirements Competition HR needs to look into developing materials in recruitment and attending job fairs for company promotion and attraction by the applicants. At the same time, incentives and programs should be developed to retain key employees. Compensation HR must continually evaluate the compensation structure and they must see to it that the internal salary style is fair. A good example would be, workers with good experience and with specialized qualification should get more salary than fresh graduates. Legalisation Legislation greatly affects all activities in HR. It dictates how long an organization should retain personnel records. Human Resource professionals must stay abreast of legislation and train managers on their responsibilities. Employee Relations Policies and procedures made internally has a great influence in HR activites. HR must ensure that people in the company receive appropriate training and development to be ready for promotion in the future. HR should also see to it the eligible employees for retirement and ensure well trained potential staff to avoid a sudden departure of business knowledge. References: Group Report Core Position of an Organization Human Resource Manager A great team of working professionals in an organization cannot be possible without the human resources. It has created a number of difference in enhancing the productivity of the employee. The main contribution of HR management to organizations are hiring and training the workforce, takes care of the performance management system, helps in building culture and values, manages conflict, and most importantly developing good relations. We chose the human resource manager as the core position within the organisation because it is the HR manager that leads, controls and directs the people. They are the most qualified and skilled people into the organisation to make a difference in enhancing the productivity of the employee and the organization. Core Values In Kindly Residential Care Homes, our HR management have the following core values to render effective and efficient services to employees, residents and other stakeholders. Leading Change It involves the capacity to bring about strategic change within and outside the Organization, to meet organizational goals. Essential to this qualification is the competence to create a vision in an organization and to implement it in a continuously dynamic environment. Creativity and Innovation External Awareness Flexibility Resilience Strategic Thinking Vision 2. Leading People This core qualification involves the ability to lead people toward meeting the organizations vision, mission, and goals. Inherent to this core qualification is the ability to provide an inclusive workplace that fosters the development of others, facilitates cooperation and teamwork, and supports constructive resolution of conflicts. Conflict Management Leveraging Diversity Developing Others Team Building Results Driven Accountability Customer Service Decisiveness Entrepreneurship Problem Solving Technical Credibility 3. Business Acumen This core qualification involves the ability to manage human, financial, and information resources strategically. Financial Management Human Capital Management Technology Management 4. Building Coalitions This core qualification involves the ability to build coalitions internally and with other Federal agencies, State and local governments, non-profit and private sector organizations, foreign governments, or international organizations to achieve common goals. Partnering Political Savvy Influencing/Negotiating

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lord Of The Flies, An Analysis :: essays research papers

People are privileged to live in an advanced stage of development known as civilization. In a civilization, one’s life is bound by rules that are meant to tame its savage natures. A humans possesses better qualities because the laws that we must follow instill order and stability within society. This observation, made by William Golding, dictates itself as one of the most important themes of Lord of the Flies. The novel demonstrates the great need for civilization ion in life because without it, people revert back to animalistic natures. When the children become stranded on the island, the rules of society no longer apply to them. Without the supervision of their parents or of the law, the primitive nature of the boys surfaces, and their lives begin to fall apart. The downfall starts with their refusal to gather things for survival. The initial reaction of the boys is to swim, run, jump, and play. They do not wish to build shelters, gather food, or keep a signal fire going. Consequently, the boys live without luxury that could have been obtained had they maintained a society on the island. Instead, these young boys take advantage of their freedom and life as they knew it deteriorates. The boys spark the onset of tragedy when the pig hunt evolves as more than just an activity. Jack and his band of hunters love the thrill of the chase. They spend much of their day searching the pig runs enjoying the brutality they cause on other living beings. This amusement is taken too far when Jack introduces face paint into the game. The face paint takes away the identities of the boys and transforms them into nameless savages. They hide behind the paint â€Å"liberated from shame and self-consciousness† (Golding 64). Jack’s mask overpowers the rest of the boys and they go off to hunt despite some discontent. Eventually, the painted warriors ready a fortress at one end of the island. This tribe brings nothing but death and destruction to the island. Moreover, the newly formed group of warriors even develop a dance that they perform over the carcass of the dead pig. They become so involved in this dance that that warriors kill one of their own kind. By chance, Simon runs from the forest towards the group that is already shouting â€Å"‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!’† (152).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Light and Darkness in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

Light and Darkness in The Scarlet Letter         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is one of the most analyzed and most discussed literary works in American literature and for good reason.   Hawthorne's ambiguity and his intense use of symbols have made this work incredibly complex and incredibly bothersome.   In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses many symbols to give insight into characters and promote his views on society.   The scaffold scenes in The Scarlet Letter tell the reader exactly what is to come, and the presence of light in those scenes gives the reader insight into the characters.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The scaffold scenes establish a pattern of what is to come in the novel through a common tie prevalent in the three different scaffold scenes.   The tie is that of creation and release.   In the first scaffold scene, Hester releases not only her guilt about her crime, but, she also releases Pearl to the society and creates in Pearl the need for strength and determination that she will need to overcome the legacy of her creation. In this scene she also creates the need in Dimmesdale to absolve himself of his guilt.   The second scaffold scene is the opportunity for Dimmesdale to attempt to release his guilt from the first scaffold.   However, Pearl creates a need in Dimmesdale to repent in front of the town.   During the third scaffold scene, Dimmesdale is able to release his guilt about his crime and his lack of strength. He is also able to complete his obligation to accept the hands of Pearl and Hester on the platform from the second scaffold scene.   Through his confession, he creates a sense of reality for the entire town.   It can be clearly seen that what is created in the first scaffold is released in the second scaffold; while, the things created in the second scaffold are finally released in the third and final scaffold.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is another complexity to the scaffold scenes in the presence, or lack there of, of lighting.   The first scaffold scene is in the sunlight.   The sunlight in this novel is a symbol of disguise.   In the sunlight of the first scaffold, Hester is shown as strong and determined.   She gives the appearance that the letter does not bother her.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Knowledge: Books Or Experience Essay

Knowledge can be gained through various means, the most important being reading the books. Experinced is also one of the important factor to gained the indepth knowledge. There has been always a controversy between the two about which one gives richer and broader view of knowledge. I personaly feel that this two are interrelated, in the sense one follows the other. Knowledge gained through reading the books is of no use unless and untill we implement it in our practical life. Implementing the knowledge is nothing but the experince gained through it. Books are the vast storage of knowledge. Numerous books are available on varied subject. One can gain indepth knowledge by reading varied books on that topic. This will give the individual broader and richer view on that topic. However, untill and unless he implement his knowledge in his practical life, the knowledge gained will be of no use. For instance, the Lawer has to read varied books during their professional life. He needs to know the broader and perspective view of each and every law he studies. But his knowledge will be of no use untill he implement it. It is through experince that he will come to know where to apply the particular law or any penal code. So his knowledge about law will follow the use of it in practical life. There are certain other example to support this point. An engineering student will use his knowledge gained through reading the books on engineering subject in an industry. Doctors, scientist, bureacrats, etc all needs to first go through books on their choosen subject and later on the knowledge gained through this will help them to implement it in day to day life. see more:why are books better than tv However, there are certain things which can be gained through years of experince. But in the long the term that may not be that much helpful. For instance, take the case of share broker who has a little knowledge about the stock exchange terms. However, his vast experince in the long term help him to cope up with all the ups and down in the share market. But his experince will be of a little help if he does not know some of the crucial terms and will put him in jeopardy. Such crucial terms can be gained through reading the books only and not through experinced. In sum, it is the experinced gained after reading the books that gives indepth knowledge of certain thing. Knowledge through books and experinced after that are process which follows one after another. Indepth knowledge about certain thing can be obtained after implementing your knowledge gained through reading books.

Baby Bargains

According to Buckland’s journal Information as Thing, information is situational. As such, it must be useful to a user in a particular situation to be considered relevant. The book Baby Bargains is both useful and relevant to all first-time parents in preparation for the upcoming addition to their household by providing guidance on how and where to buy quality baby necessities at a reasonable cost. Baby Bargains was first published and made available to the public in 1994 and has experienced an extended shelf life due to its updated editions.This now well-known work entered the information lifecycle some 13 years earlier destined to be updated and adapted for years to come. Baby Bargains has metamorphasized and gone through multiple adaptations with a companion television talk show and the addition of a website and blog. The Baby Bargains concept is a prime example of the dissemination, retrieval and use of relevant information. To understand its progression through the inform ation lifecycle it is helpful to examine how it fills an end user’s need, the birth of the first edition and subsquent publishing history as well as its eventual transformation into a website.Need My initial encounter with Baby Bargains occurred during my pregnancy in July of 2005, when I was given the book by a friend. Since it was the first child for my husband and myself, we were excited but at the same time apprehensive over our lack of knowledge. There are literally millions of couples with the same need for knowledge, as evidenced by the extreme popularity of nonfiction books regarding pregnancy, childbirth and preparation for a new baby. Creation Denise and Alan Fields, who co-wrote Baby Bargains, were first time parents at one time, too.Inspired by the birth of their own sons Ben and Jack, the Fields launched a consumer crusade to find the best deals for new parents and ultimately published Baby Bargains. Baby Bargains is a well-researched, comprehensive resource for parents-to-be. The authors combined their own experience with extensive investigation and interviews with more than a thousand first-time parents across the country to compile the information presented in the book. It provides insights into which baby products are top rated and which are not recommended due to price and/or dearth of function.Baby Bargains is organized into chapters categorized by type of product. Each chapter contains a list of items necessary for the expectant parent with easy-to-read charts that allows users to compare these products in terms of price, quality, brand name, and durability. The charts include a summary and brief explanation of the content of an item in an compact, uncomplicated format that is clear and provides an easy way for users to visualize the comparisons. According to Robert Taylor’s â€Å"Value Added Model†, this book adds ACCESS 3 (subject summary) value by using charts.The chapters and their corresponding charts are quite com prehensive yet ergonomic for the average consumer. Publishing and dissemination Since the first edition of Baby Bargains was published in 1994, the popularity of the book garnered nearly instant notoriety for the Fields. The list of commercial marketing appearances the authors have enjoyed include features on Oprah, NBC’s Dateline, ABC’s 20/20, The Today Show as well as newspaper and magazine articles written about the couple and their book. Print editions of Baby Bargains now exceed 700,000 copies.In order to keep the information current, seven editions have been created with the addition of new products and updates on existing items. Revisions include current product values as well as reliability and validity results of the products tested. The authors strive to keep Baby Bargains as up-to-date as possible; about 30 – 40% of the content changes with each edition. These updates ensure the book remains current and a valuable resource to the end user. Retrieval a nd use According to Trent Hill’s lecture on Knowledge Organization, metadata refers to document attributes, document structure, and relations between documents.Several pieces of metadata are attached to the book and website of Baby Bargains. The metadata used to describe the book’s attributes include the title, authors (the Fields are well-known consumer writers), date, edition, description of illustrations, and call number. The website’s metadata is the web domain name (www. babybargains. com) and the fact that it is based on the Baby Bargains print edition. Modification and transformation In 1996, www. babybargains. com was formed to be a companion to, and include information from, the book.When viewed within the FRBR model, Baby Bargains encompasses a complex maze of works, expressions, manifestations, and items. Baby Bargains the book is a work and the companion website is an additional work; each has a unique theme and data. There is one example of an expre ssion of the book in its publication. The book has not been translated into other languages but each edition is published by Windsor Peak Press. There are seven manifestations of the book in the form of its prior updated editions, which are published roughly every two years.The Baby Bargains website consists of two overt expressions. One of these is the information that paralells the book and the other expression is the blog which provides current news on baby products including safety recalls and price changes. Bonus material and a message board for users’ interaction complete the comprehensive nature of the website. When each new edition of Baby Bargains is released, registered website users are encouraged to read the updated version of the book in order to obtain the latest information due to changes of content.This has worked well for the Fields as being an inexpensive yet effective method for informing users about updates and and changes to the print version. A blog link was also added to the website, giving the authors yet another forum for advertising new editions and updates in a timely manner. A message board on the site links users and provides a forum for asking questions and receiving answers, opening the lines of communication between parties with a shared interest. Collection Baby Bargains is a piece from the collections of both public and personal libraries.It is also available through the University of Washington library catalog system. The print book is not owned by the University library nor the summit libraries although it can be obtained through interlibrary loan. According to Matt Saxton’s lecture on â€Å"What is a Collection? †, a collection has certain information for certain audiences. Baby Bargains is not an ordinary part of an academic library’s collection since these institutions do not collect what is considered to be a consumer book. Searching for this workI obtained the work Baby Bargains very easily à ¢â‚¬â€œ through a friend of mine during my pregnancy. It is available in a large variety of bookstores and can be located without any searching effort or retrieval process. Editions of Baby Bargains starting with the 4th and continuing through the current edition are easily accessed through the public library catalog system where they can be directly compared side by side. The Baby Bargains website and blog comes up quickly and easily within the first two listings by using the online search engine Google. ClosingThis assignment caused me to think in fresh ways about how information is disseminated and updated. I feel I was challenged to examine the meaning and purpose of metadata in information systems, as well as the process by which information becomes a work, an expression, and a manifestation. The information lifecycle provides a valuable framework for understanding information such as that which is contained in Baby Bargains throughout its development and as a whole. It is part iculalry useful as a foundation upon which to build my study of library and information science.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Mexican President Felipe Calder

Audience Purpose: Some of you in the audience may also be recovering addicts or know someone who Is struggling with drug adulation. America Is a nation full of addicts to be blunt 90% of all cocaine that enters the united States Is smuggled through our southern border by the Mexican drug cartels. Those same cartels are responsible for 80% of the methamphetamine manufacturing here in the united States as well as Mexico. Addiction has been an increasing problem for Americans for many years now.Thesis: The Mexican president Feline Caldron's war on drugs has seen some regress, but it has come at a heavy price to the people who live there and the neighboring countries. Development Plan: First I Like to Inform you about the violence that has left the Mexican government struggling against the Mexican drug cartels, for control of several regions in Mexico and why Mexican officials have been unable to restore peace to their country.Secondly, as this war on drugs rages out of control it has be gun to affect more than just Mexico and I'd like to tell you what our government and the Mexican government are doing to combat the ongoing violence. Transition Body l. In December of 2006, Mexico new President Feline Cauldron declared war on the drug cartels, and made attempts to put an end to the corruption that had plagued Mexico police force, however, to date, both of these efforts have been only marginally affected, and the flow of illegal drugs continues into the U. S. A.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Company Analysis of General Electric Essay

Running a company often centers on the idea of considering both positive and negative factors in order to then hand down executive decisions accordingly. To best understand the strengths and weakness of any given company, one must understand its base operations and the scope of industry in which the firm exists. In doing so, one would have a bigger picture of how the company operates and how success has been fostered in, as well as highlight in areas in which the organization could stand to see improvement. In this vein, a full analysis of General Electric was conducted, which includes an overview of the company including background and position in the manufacturing industry, as well as insight into the company’s management structure. Additionally, the company’s financials will be examined so that a recommendation can be made. Overview of Company According to the company website (2014) General Electric’s slogan is â€Å"Imagination at Work† and to this extent, the organization has been fostering in imagination for quite some time. According to the research, the company was founded in 1878 by Thomas Edison in Menlo Park. Edison is most notable for inventing the light bulb, and as such, this corporation is one of the largest companies on Earth more than a hundred years later (General Electric, 2014). After getting its start in the 1800s the company, being a leader in the industry of manufacturing and resting solely on the idea of innovation and inventions, began to manufacture different items across a wide variety of industries. According to the GE company website (2014) these inventions were primarily Edison’s own, and by the early 1900s the company, even against the Great Depression, the organization continued to make appliances for the home, delved into aviation technology, and began to further expand into new markets. As the research notes, because of this the company began to break up into several subdivisions such as GE Consumer Finance or GE energy in order to fully control its wide scope of offerings (General Electric, 2014). By the 2000s, the corporate website notes that the company further expanded into new markets, both online and for various infrastructures and industries around the world. Today, the company has  also delved into clean energy technology and pulls in an estimated $2 billion for electronics and home appliance sales alone (General Electric, 2014). Management Structure Looking to research conducted by Abetti (2011) one can see that the organization has one of the most complex management structures of all major conglomerates. In addition, as the company website (2014) points out, this structure has been in effect since the 1920s and instead of reevaluating this system; the company has only expanded upon it. According to Abetti (2011) at the top of the management structure, governing all areas is the Chairman and CEO, as well as the board of directors. Next, according to the research are two specific divisions: external and internal company functions. Internally, the company has global research, human resources, and its finance department, while externally; the company has commercial and public relations, business development, and its legal department. As noted by the company website (2014) next the company has its specific divisions or sectors, which this breakup is most notable for. These are as followed: Global Growth and Operations, Energy, Capital, home and Business Solutions, Healthcare, Aviation, and Transportation. It should be noted that each of these organizations exist as their own subdivision and entity, following the GE name. For instance, there is GE Energy, GE Home & Business Solutions, and so forth. This kind of management structure is beneficial to the company in two different ways. To start, it allows the organization to have each subdivision hand down its own division and be more or less contained within its own scope of industry, however, it also ensures that a high level of guidance will still ensure that upper-management is still well aware of what kind of decisions and operations these subdivisions will invest into. In this vein, according to research that has been conducted by Souraj (2010) each of these divisions utilize a lean manufacturing type of approach in order to ensure that all waste is eliminated and the sectors are utilizing the resources to the fullest. This ensures that the company is being cost effective in its approach and it allows the company to be innovative, without creating the potential problem of being extremely wasteful, which would then cut back on the organization’s profitability (Souraj, 2010). Moreover, each division also utilizes a six sigma approach in order to achieve near perfection. Essentially, this process rests on considering how each sector is doing in its own industry. For instance, despite the fact that GE Energy has seen slowed economic growth, this does not mean that GE Home & Business Solutions has as well. As such, utilizing a six sigma approach will allow the organization to consider the needs and goals of GE Energy before planning for solutions accordingly. Financial Overview According to research that has been drafted by Abetti (2011) by the year 2000 â€Å"General Electric was the world’s most valuable company with a market capitalization of $520 billion.† However, as the research points out, by 2008, after the U.S. recession led to a national economic downtown this figure had fallen 69% percent to $163 billion (Abetti, 2011). In addition, the global financial system has been equally a cause of concern and if one can consider the U.S. economic downturn the cause of the decrease in market capitalization, the world’s economy is the factor that has kept the company’s overall financial state lower than usual (Abetti, 2011). Although, the research points out that the organization has began to see a small increase, and thus, the company has hopes that these numbers will turn around, growth and expansion has not been seen as it had prior to 2008 (Abetti, 2011). This is largely attributed to the belief that the world’s financial system will see an upwards swing as a natural flow and with the idea that expansion can be considered a way for the company to cut back losses in some areas, while gaining them in others. According to research conducted by Abetti (2011) this line of thinking will not lead to the company to success and instead the company should â€Å"go back to GE’s traditional core competencies and divest non-core businesses.† Moreover, the company should also expand its globalization efforts, rebuild trust between employees and the company, strengthen financial and auditing function authority, and continue to invest in R & D. Although, many of these considerations are subjective, they bear a great deal of consideration when examining the company’s financials going forward. Conclusion General Electric remains one of the largest companies in the world, despite some of the misgivings mentioned previously. The company has a number of strengths including a diverse portfolio, existing in a wide range of industries, and its ability to be industry-leaders when it comes to innovation and gauging what products will be a success in the future. With this in mind, however, one recommendation that can be made to the company, based on the available research is for the organization to focus on current offerings, rather than continue to seek after non-traditional competencies. Moreover, the company must consider R & D efforts in order to continue to be the forbearers in innovation and creativity. Doing so will open the company to new markets, rather than the company attempting to slip into them and then compete with others in the market as a smaller entrant. If the company commits to these factors than there remains little doubt that General Electric will go back to being one of the world’s most valuable and innovative companies. References Abetti, P.A. (2011). General Electric at the crossroads: the end of the last US conglomerate? International Journal of Technology Management, 54(4), 345-368. General Electric. (2014). From Inspiration to Industry. Retrieved from Souraj, S. (2010). The integration of Six Sigma and Lean Management. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 2040-4166.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysis of Health Education Pamphlet Essay

Analysis of Health Education Pamphlet: Helping Yourself Heal When Your Spouse Dies Mental health is an important component of overall healthcare, but it is often overlooked. Although society has become more aware of mental health issues, there is still a stigma perceived, and individuals are often reluctant to disclose their mental health issues for fear of rejection, prejudice or avoidance by others (Turner, 2013). Grief and the grieving process is a common aspect of mental health; this pamphlet’s target audience is individuals who have lost their partner (Wolfelt, 2011). The goal is to provide information and reassurance that their grieving is normal and necessary. The analysis of this pamphlet will include an examination of its layout appeal, content and quality of information, an assessment of the reading level and its appropriateness for the target audience, clarity, examples of health care promotion, usefulness, cultural sensitivity and competence, along with helpful tip s for self-care and health management. Layout Appeal A first glance at this pamphlet shows a soothing but attractive picture of a dandelion in full seed. The background is a muted brick red/brown, with the dandelions depicted in light blue that lighten further to bright white in the center. The title is in white with the word â€Å"Spouse† enlarged. This certainly catches one’s eye and clearly announces the target audience it intends. The interior of the pamphlet is all text but divided into titled sections of two paragraphs each. The section titles could read separately from the rest of the content and still lend insight to the reader. For example, the first four section titles are as follows: Acknowledge Your Loss, Allow Yourself to Mourn; Recognize Your Grief is Unique, and Talk Out Your Thoughts and Feelings. The background of the interior is white, the print in black, with the exception of the section titles, which are in blue ink. There are faint pictures of dandelions on the interior, carrying over the cover design. Overall it is very pleasing and attractive. Content and Quality of Information The content of this pamphlet was developed by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition and faculty at the University of Colorado Medical School’s Department of Family Medicine. Dr. Wolfelt has  written extensively on the subject of grief and loss, as well as conducting classes in the subject. Each of the titled sections is two paragraphs and covers just one aspect of grief and loss. It can be read in one sitting or one section at a time. The information of the pamphlet covers the entire grieving process and offers reassurance, comfort, and empathy without being rigid about the grieving process. It allows an individual to take in as much as they can, and then refer to the pamphlet as a reference. Reading Level/Appropriate Literacy Level Delgado and Weitzel conclude in their study on literacy of lower-income urban adults that most participants had â€Å"reading and comprehension levels at beginning high school level† (Delgado, 2013), and suggest that clients may have difficulty understanding the offered information. They recommend that printed information for the general public be written on a level to ensure comprehension by the target audience – at the 8th to 9th grade level (Delgado, 2013). The content of this pamphlet flows nicely and was analyzed using two different reading level assessment tools: ATOS (ATOS Assessment, 2014) and SMOG (SMOG Assessment Overview, 2012). The ATOS scoring placed the content of the pamphlet at the 8th grade reading and comprehension level, with the SMOG scoring slightly higher at the 9th grade reading and comprehension level. Overall, the pamphlet meets the recommendations of Delgado and Weitzel, and should be readily understandable by most adults. As this pamphlet is targeted for adults who have experienced the death of a spouse, the pamphlet is entirely appropriate in reading and comprehension levels. Clarity The target audience and intent of this pamphlet are clear from the first glance and onward. It contains concise and useful information and gentle guidance while stressing individuality. The content is written in plain language and is easily understood. Each section has a title and addresses only what the title states, creating manageable bits of information. It does not overwhelm the reader. Usefulness This pamphlet provides much useful information on the grieving process. It gives examples of the types of emotions one might experience during grief and reassures the reader that each person grieves in their own way. It gives valuable information and reassurance without becoming â€Å"preachy† and patronizing. Different aspects of grief are explored and explained, and the reader is encouraged to embrace their grief, experience it and know that to suppress the grief and emotions accompanying it can be detrimental. Cultural Sensitivity and Competence While the pamphlet does not address specific cultural differences, it does acknowledge that there are cultural differences exist. The author also encourages the reader to embrace their own cultural traditions pertaining the death, loss and grieving that will bring them and their families comfort. Helpful Tips for Self-Care and Health Management Many helpful tips are offered in this pamphlet; from acknowledging grief and mourning to finding support systems to dealing with the possessions of the deceased. The overall tone of the pamphlet is one of acceptance, reassurance, and comfort. It encourages the reader to be compassionate with oneself, to be open about the pain of loss and not to repress emotions. It also informs the reader that they will experience a range of emotions, sometimes within a short period of time, and that it is normal. This is a gentle and useful pamphlet that offers both comfort and a guideline to aid a person through the grief of the loss of their partner. Reference ATOS Assessment. (2014). Retrieved from Delgado, C. &. (2013). Reading comprehension levels in a sample of urban, low-income persons. Health Education Journal 72(3), 345-350. SMOG Assessment Overview. (2012). Retrieved from Turner, R. N. (2013). Combating the mental health stigma with nostalgia. European Journal Of Social Psychology, 43(5), 413-422. Wolfelt, A. (2011). Helping yourself heal when your spouse dies. Fort Collins, CO: Companion Press.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International Accounting Regulations Assignment

International Accounting Regulations - Assignment Example FRS 10 defines the classes of intangible assets that would be covered by the provisions. These intangible assets may include â€Å"licenses. Quotas, patents, copyrights etc and also other assets that are capable of being disposed of or settled separately without disposing of the entity.† (Neil D. Stein 1998)FRS 10 defines the classes of intangible assets that would be covered by the provisions. These intangible assets may include â€Å"licenses. Quotas, patents, copyrights etc and also other assets that are capable of being disposed of or settled separately without disposing of the entity.† (Neil D. Stein 1998)However, FRS 10 has left certain important issues in connection with the intangible assets vague that makes the provisions unserious about the objective it intends to accomplish.  Ã‚  Ã‚  FRS 10 has the following shortcomings which have made the treatment of goodwill and other intangible assets favorable to the firms:†¢ FRS 10 gives the firms the liberty to carry through the value of the goodwill or other intangible assets permanently at the purchased cost. This vitiates the chances of the true and fair valuation of the intangible assets as shown in the financial statements.†¢ Although there are provisions governing the impairment of the value of the intangible assets, the impairment process as detailed in the FRS 10 and FRS 11 are highly subjective and devoid of clarity. This allows the firms to postpone the impairment of the intangible assets as long as they want on the plea that the valuation and impairment procedure is costly and cumbersome.†¢ Moreover, the treatment of the negative value of the goodwill under FRS 10 does not follow normal accounting practices.†¢ The provisions of the Companies Act 1985 are not taken into account while allowing the goodwill to be carried for an indefinite period.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Strategic analysis Kodak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic analysis Kodak - Essay Example Success in modern world requires constant innovation and change - things most of the organisation are not known very well. This environment changes so rapidly that even the best idea can fade fast. Perhaps this is the reason that environment is so important to an organisation. The external environment of Kodak is complex. As Kodak is focusing on imaging business, this market is the vital market for it. In digital age, more and more activities are related to digital means, same as more and more business are derived from digital technologies. Digital trend, indeed, represents a long-term threat to Kodak's core business - silver print. Although experts disagree over how long it will take for digital imaging to start shrinking the worldwide traditional imaging market, that day is surely coming. According to Lyra Research, a market research company in US, the worldwide film sales will grow only 1% annually through 2003 and slowly shrink after that, whilst digital imaging business will expand 20% annually in next five years (Kodak internal marketing article, 2001). One way to consider the competitive position of Kodak is by means of the Directional Policy Matrix (Thompdon, L. J. 1993: 470). ... a. Analysis of External Environment Success in modern world requires constant innovation and change - things most of the organisation are not known very well. This environment changes so rapidly that even the best idea can fade fast. Perhaps this is the reason that environment is so important to an organisation. Competitive Environment of Kodak The external environment of Kodak is complex. As Kodak is focusing on imaging business, this market is the vital market for it. In digital age, more and more activities are related to digital means, same as more and more business are derived from digital technologies. Digital trend, indeed, represents a long-term threat to Kodak's core business - silver print. Although experts disagree over how long it will take for digital imaging to start shrinking the worldwide traditional imaging market, that day is surely coming. According to Lyra Research, a market research company in US, the worldwide film sales will grow only 1% annually through 2003 and slowly shrink after that, whilst digital imaging business will expand 20% annually in next five years (Kodak internal marketing article, 2001). Introduction of Directional Policy Matrix One way to consider the competitive position of Kodak is by means of the Directional Policy Matrix (Thompdon, L. J. 1993: 470). This matrix is constructed above two axes: the Industry Attractiveness in horizontal axis and the organisation's competitive position in vertical axis. By evaluating relevant factors of these two dimensions we can place appropriate positions for discussed organisation. Traditional Imaging Digital Imaging Industry Attractiveness Market Growth Low High Supplier

Linear Programming . Optimal Output and Calculation of Shadow Prices Essay

Linear Programming . Optimal Output and Calculation of Shadow Prices Using Graphical Approach Manually - Essay Example manage its operations well. Brass Ltd. manufactures two types of products – Masso and Russo which incur machining and assembly costs in their production. There are constraints on the availability of machining and assembly hours which are 700 hours and 1000 hours respectively. The capacity is fixed and the cost on the same is incurred irrespective of the usage. The maximum allowed production of each product type is 400 units. The selling price and costs incurred for the two products are available. The time spent on each machine for each product is also available. The company needs to know the optimal production of each product type to maximize profit. It also needs to gauge the impact of increasing production marginally on the profitability. There are certain inherent assumptions involved while formulating the above Linear Programming Model. The first assumption is that the constraints and the objective function can be represented through linear equations. In other words, the constraints on machining hours, assembly hours and the maximum production are directly proportional to both the number of Masso and the number of Russo. The second assumption is that the production of Masso is independent of the production of Russo and hence the impact of their production on the constraints as well as the objective function is perfectly additive. The third assumption is that the immediate objective of the firm is to recover the variable costs on the manufacturing of the two products and therefore fixed costs of machining and assembly are not considered for model formulation. Ideally, these fixed costs are distributed over the number of products manufactured. For obtaining a solution to the above model, the 6 inequalities shown above are plotted on a graph as shown in Figure 4.1 ( The two constraints regarding machining and assembly hours are plotted as straight lines. The two constraints on the

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Role of Transaction Cost in Intermediation Process Assignment

Role of Transaction Cost in Intermediation Process - Assignment Example For instance, when the bank acts as intermediary it connects individuals with different needs, financial inputs at different point of time. It allows people to save money into various accounts like savings account, time deposits, salary account, pension funds, and so on. After the bank accepts deposits from an individual it invests that sum into projects which have returns greater than or equal to the cost of investment which is also the bank’s liability. Now, if any corporate or individual approaches the bank for loan, the bank will charge interest on that loan. This interest will increase the transaction cost of the individual or corporate. The interest charged on loans by the bank on the borrower will obviously higher than what the bank has to pay to the depositors. This is because in order to operate in the market and serve the community it has to maintain a profit margin for all transaction which otherwise would lead to collapse of business. The advantage that an individu al or a corporate will get from an intermediation process is that the credit risk is transferred from individual borrower to the bank. This is because when a corporate raises funds from market directly without any intermediation, the credit risk of parties to transaction has to be evaluated personally. This is true in case of over-the-counter markets where the contracts are much customised according to individual requirements and parties to contract enter into agreement with each other without any intermediary. This reduces their transaction cost but also increases the credit risk. When an intermediary is introduced in the same model as in case of exchange traded funds, the transaction cost increases due to brokerage charges, maintenance fee, printing and advertising charges, commissions, and so on. The various costs are passed on to the fund raiser and hence decreasing the transaction cost of the individual from intermediation process (Buckle and Thompson, 2004, p.37). From the abo ve discussion, the role of transaction cost in the intermediation can be summarised as follows. The intermediation process aims to connect the individuals with surplus funds with individuals with deficit funds in order to channel funds properly in the economic system. In the process of intermediation the individuals and corporate is able to reduce search cost of raising funds, verification cost, monitoring cost, and credit worthiness of the parties involved in transaction. Since the intermediary provides these services, it charges a fee or commission for providing these services which increases the cost of transaction from intermediation process but such cost is much less compared to the benefit from intermediations (Mishkin and Eakins, 1998, p.369). For instance, the banks offer standardised services and products that reduce cost of transaction and the risk of investment. The OTC market mainly operates without intermediation and is hence a much more risky option. Role of Asymmetric Information in Intermediation Process In order to understand the role of asymmetric information in the intermediation process, it is important to understand the concept of asymmetric information. Asymmetric information arises from a situation when one party to transaction has more information compared to the other. This is generally

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Comparison of Chinese and Japanese TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparison of Chinese and Japanese TV - Essay Example Programming content in Japan covers a variety of areas, with satellite channels also available. New programs are primarily broadcast during the mornings, while the evening hours are generally given over to romantic or other dramas and comedies, which are a staple of Japanese television, additionally, science fiction programs are also offered and anime or Japanese animation programs are very popular television programs, not only among the Japanese but also in other countries of the world. Variety shows are also offered such as skits, quiz contests musical performances and stunt shows. Television programming in China is controlled by the State which greatly limits the scope and extent of programming in China. For instance, state controlled television channels have been continually showing programs that remind the Chinese of the horrors that the Japanese inflicted upon them during the Second World War. (Vance, 2008). During this time, many thousands of Chinese people were killed by Japa nese raids in Nanjing and other cities in China, with individuals in China being tortured and executed. The continual flashing of these horrific images on Chinese television has kept the memories of these Japanese atrocities alive in Chinese minds and has   produced the rhetoric of hate in China. Chinese television shows programs and movies that so some degree or the other, relive the Japanese invasion into China and some of them are so powerful and graphic in their realistic images of brutality.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Research Paper

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Research Paper Example Genetic engineering allows individual to identify genes that are weak and defective. This presents a source of an opportunity for them to be replaced by healthy ones. Such genes are normally resistant to diseases, bad weather conditions and enhance production of cells. Domestic Plants and animals which have undergone genetic engineering always have got greater productivity as compared to the indigenous ones. Different techniques can be used to create Genetically Modified Organisms depending on the level of technology applied. In order for one to make a GMO, he/she needs to have the gene you want to transfer, the recipient organism and a vector to carry the gene to the recipient of the transferred gene. The gene that is to be transported is first cut out and separated from its original organism. Different genes may be taken from different organisms depending on the types of traits that are needed. These cut genes are then dipped into a vector that can get into the cells of the recipient organism. This is because genes of an organism will always reject any foreign material and therefore in order to make it get used to a new environment and for the recipient to accept it; a vector is used. The genes can be sliced together depending on the requirement and the traits needed. After this, these genes are then inserted into the recipient organism/gene. Once in the recipients’ cell, the g ene will insert into the recipient’s genome. As a result, during any time of replication or gene transformation when new cells are made, the transferred gene will also be present in the DNA of each newly made cell. Whether in open air markets or supermarkets, GMO products are nowadays found everywhere. Though one cannot automatically know whether a product is a GMO or not, as there is no legal requirement to label GMO products, as a result, GMO find their way into the local markets and supermarkets. Some

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Research Project case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Research Project case study - Assignment Example This affects not only the quality of care but also the cost of care incurred by the organizations. As such, it is important for proper measure to be put in place including team-building measures, to allow proper team collaboration towards patient safety. Adequate conflict prevention and resolution measures are also important towards maintaining a positive relationship among health professionals and the patients. In an interview with Human Resource Manager from UPSON Regional Medical Center, various operational approaches were identified, which have allowed for the success of the organization in knitting its employees together towards one course. However, some measures could be put in place to further advance the relationship between the health professionals and the patients towards attaining patient-oriented quality care, an aspect that would reduce the cost of management through minimizing errors, promoting safety, and enhancing quick response to treatment. The communication mechani sms can also be important in reducing on-show rates; hence, promoting profitability. 2. What challenges are faced in ensuring proper communication between health professional both within and between departments at UPSON Regional Medical Center and what measures have been put in place to uphold proper communication? With increasing advancement in technology within the health care system, different organizations including UPSON Regional Medical Center have embraced clinical information systems that facilitate patient care. It is important to note that the security of patient information is highly important in the health care organizations and thus the different individuals from different departments who make up the teams that manage the patients are faced with an important role in safeguarding patient information(Freshman, Rubino, & Chassiakos, 2010). In some organizations, traditional information safety practices

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 14

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Example Whereas when yellow is used in the background color it is an indication of warning signs and school signs. And at the same time orange is used in background to indicate construction and maintenance warnings. However, where orange is used in the warning signs  fluorescent red- orange or fluorescent yellow-orange colors  may be used (, 2015). This is because these shades of orange provide higher conspicuity than the standard shade of orange especially at twilight (, 2015). Conclusively it can be said that these colors also have an automatic indication in the minds of the people. Red color immediately catches attention and indicates that something is wrong (, 2015). Yellow on the other hand is a light color and is also used in a similar way, guiding people who are on their way to school and ignored by others (, 2015). Whereas orange also helps in grabbing attention but does not alerts the audience, however indicates that the service is currently not available due to construction or maintenance in progress (,

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Examine Hamlets Relationship with Gertrude Essay Example for Free

Examine Hamlets Relationship with Gertrude Essay At the beginning of the play, during Hamlets first soliloquy, Hamlet contemplates suicide because he is so furious with his mother for marrying Claudius within a month of his fathers death. This is when Hamlet comments, frailty thy name is woman to express his bitter feelings towards his mother for not only the speed of her remarriage and betrayal of his father, but the dexterity to incestuous sheets. The situation, and Hamlets reaction to it, is a trigger of an increasing negative attitude towards all women, viewing them as weak. It is shown through his relationships with Gertrude and Ophelia. The audience learn through the other characters that Hamlet has shown affections towards Ophelia; whether they are genuine and lasting feelings is uncertain as Leartes advices Ophelia that they are not. Leartes asks Ophelia to hold it a fashion, and a toy in blood;/ A violet in the youth of primary nature. Leartes not only says that Hamlets feeling towards Ophelia is short-lived nonsense of his youth but highlights that for he himself is subject to his birth. Polonius also echoes a negative portrayal of Hamlets relationship with Ophelia as he advises her to be somewhat scaner of your maiden presence. Ophelia sees that Hamlets feelings are genuine as he hath importuned me with love / In honourable fashion and hath given countenance to his speech with almost all the holy vows of heaven. However, she is obedient and follows the wishes of her brother and father to keep as watchman to my heart or to not give words or talk with the Lord. The rejection of Hamlet by Ophelia is a significant influence in him believing that frailty thy name is woman as Ophelia could be seen as weak for following the orders of others who assumed that Hamlets affections could not be trusted when she, herself, believed them to be true. Hamlets reaction to Ophelias rejection is extreme and she is affrighted by his state of knees knocking each other with a look so piteous in purport/ As if he had been loosed out of hell. His bitterness has been exaggerated by the antic disposition that he has adopted since learning that his father was murdered by his uncle from his fathers ghost. This would make him feel even more anger towards his mother for marrying Claudius. He is manipulated by the Ghost who encourages his frustration for her when he says, shameful lust/ The will of my most seeming-virtuous Queen. Hamlet is in a vulnerable position as he is shocked by the revelations and is still grieving his father; it is comforting to ally his own feelings with his fathers in his resent towards Gertrude for marrying Claudius so soon after the Kings death and is quick to believe that he is a murderer. Hamlet follows the Ghosts orders to not seek revenge on Gertrude but to leave her to heaven. Hamlets despise for Gertrude festers within him through the play and with it, his views of women. Hamlet follows the Ghosts wishes not to take action against Gertrude and as a result he makes Ophelia suffer for his hatred of his mother. The extreme behaviour which Ophelia reports to her father leads Polonius to believe that he is mad with the very ecstasy of love. Ophelia was obedient to her fathers wishes and did repel his letters, and denied/ His access to me. In contrast to Hamlets mad behaviour a letter written by him to Ophelia shows his strong feelings of affection towards her as he says, To the celestial and my souls idol, the most/ beautified Ophelia. The language is passionate in a very exaggerated style and shows that Hamlet had powerful emotions for her, and a rejection would cause an exaggerated reaction also. In conversation with Polonius, Hamlets bitter feelings towards women come out through quick and crude puns: Let her walk not I th sun. Conception is a blessing, but not as your daughter may conceive. This echoes Hamlets comment that frailty thy name is woman as the punning suggests women are improper and easily influenced. In Hamlets next meeting with Ophelia he is harsh towards her and denies sending her letters but speaks abruptly to her, making connections between chastity, beauty and immorality. He repudiates Ophelia, the woman he once claimed to love, in the harshest terms and urges her to go to a nunnery as she wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners and comments unfavourably on the flirtatious tricks of women such as lisp and nickname. Hamlet says we will have no more marriage, this is not only because he believes women make monsters of their husbands but the resent of his mothers marriage to Claudius is also implied. When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent to find out what is troubling Hamlet he feels betrayed his mother as his mother and Claudius are together plotting together ways spying on Hamlet; his mother is being led by Claudius. He goes on to say that he has lost all interest in life, Man/ delights not me; no, nor woman either. He talk of men and women separately suggesting that they are different creatures. During the play Hamlet is cold towards both Gertrude and Ophelia, when his mother asks him to sit by her he refuses as metal more attractive. He comments, how cheerfully my mother looks, and my father died within these two hours, and speaks of country matters crudely to Ophelia. Hamlet is thinking about the way his mother has acted and as he cannot confront her he offends Ophelia. Even though it is not suggested that Gertrude connived at her husbands murder, but by marrying Claudius she is guilty by association, None wed the second but who killed the first. It reminds the audience the way in which the circumstance has changed him to believe frailty thy name is women. Once the play has been stopped, Gertrude asks to speak to Hamlet which is when he confronts her about his feelings as before he had to hold my tongue. He tells her that it was Claudius blasting his wholesome brother. He asks why she would desert his father for his uncle and aggressively shames her in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed/ Stewed in corruption, honeying, making love/ Over the nasty sty. The audience recognise the crude language that he used when speaking to Ophelia as he condemns the frail women. Gertrude is convinced mainly by Hamlets insistence and power of feeling, which illustrates her frailty and tendency to be dominated by powerful men and her need for men to show her what to think and how to feel. Ophelia is driven mad by her fathers death and it contrasts strongly with Hamlets, differing primarily in its legitimacy: Ophelia does not feign madness to achieve an end, but is truly driven mad by the death of her father. After Poloniuss sudden death and Hamlets subsequent exile, she finds herself abruptly without any of them. She is obsessed with death, beauty, and an ambiguous sexual desire, expressed in startlingly frank imagery: Young men will dot, if they come tot, By Cock, they are to blame. Quoth she Before you tumbled me, You promised me to wed. Shakespeare has demonstrated her chaste dependence on the men in her life; similar to Gertrudes character. Ophelia is in such a frail state when in the same situation as Hamlet their fathers both murdered she commits suicide, which Hamlet also contemplated in his first soliloquy. Ophelia is associated with flower imagery from the beginning of the play. In her first scene, Polonius presents her with a violet; after she goes mad, she sings songs about flowers; and then she drowns amid long streams of them. The fragile beauty of the flowers resembles Ophelias own fragile beauty, as well as her nascent sexuality and her exquisite, doomed innocence. Despite Hamlets harsh treatment of Ophelia, Hamlet is grief-stricken and outraged when declaring in agonised fury his own love for Ophelia. He fights with Laertes, saying that forty thousand brothers / Could not, with all their quantity of love, / make up my sum. This shows that his despise of women could not overcome his love for Ophelia in the same way that Hamlet had trusted his mother to believe he is not mad but not tell Claudius that is an act, even though he had felt betrayed by her throughout the play. Therefore, Hamlet was shattered by his mothers decision to marry Claudius so soon after her husbands death, Hamlet becomes cynical about women in general, showing a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection between female sexuality and moral corruption. This motif of misogyny, or hatred of women, occurs sporadically throughout the play, but it is an important inhibiting factor in Hamlets relationships with Ophelia and Gertrude. He urges Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the corruptions of sexuality and exclaims of Gertrude, Frailty, thy name is woman. Gertrude seems to have a powerful instinct for self-preservation and advancement that leads her to rely too deeply on men much like Ophelia who is also submissive and utterly dependent on men. As these are the only two significant women in Hamlets life it is easy for him to conclude that frailty thy name is women.