Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Implications for a New Technology Photosynth Research Paper

The Implications for a New Technology Photosynth - Research Paper ExampleThis wasnt merely limited to text only when was also extended to images. For instance, the demonstration have an overhead shot of the United States and the program allowed one to travel rapidly in on any specific area and view all the street corners all without having to lode new computer screens. The other revolutionary segment of Photosynth featured images that were linked together in a sort of imagistic universe. This was demonstrated as a three-dimensional depiction of Notre razz Cathedral was featured that was sedate completely of Flicker images. The presentation demonstrated how the program took a specific instance of a touring cars photograph wherein their hands made a circle around one segment of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Photosynth was then able to determine which segment of the Cathedral the tourist had circled and then collate this segment with a plenty of other photographs to construct the t hree-dimensional image of the Cathedral.In considering the implications for this new technology, there is a multitude of applications in which it can be utilized. The revolutionary qualities of this platform have even gained considerable attention, being featured in numerous articles, and even an episode of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) (Bishop). Its implementation in the scene of law enforcement only touches the surface of what such technology holds for the future. In an extremely novel use of the technology, the CNN profit utilized Photosynth in capturing elements of the Barack Obamas Presidential Inauguration (CNN.com). In these regards, CNN was able to collate images that demonstrate the spring from a multitude of angles in its entire splendour. In these regards, its clear that Photosynth opens the virtual dimensions of reality to an entirely new level. NASA has even grasped the potential of Photosynth. In its recent collaboration with Microsoft, the technology was utilized to give viewers never before seen access to the shuttle pre-launch, as well as the ability to tour Kennedy piazza Center (MSDN).

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