Saturday, March 2, 2019

Unit Examination

The basic types of interweave in the human body are a. Cell, organ, and organ governance. B. Sight, smell, and hearing. C. Thyroid, trachea, adenoid, and bronchus. D. Muscle, nervous, connective, and epithelial. 2. Which system regulates and controls growth, development, and metamorphosis? A. Endocrine system b. Lymphatic system c. Integument system d. Skeletal system 3. Which of the following is the correct order from simplest to most complex for the levels of organization in the human body? A. Organ systems, tissues, organs, cells b. C. D. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systemsOrgan systems, organs, tissues, cells Cells, organs, organ systems, tissues 4. The brain, lungs, testes, and half-size intestine are each examples of a. A nerve. An organ. A tissue. An organ system. 5. Leers-Dandles syndrome Is a disease that affects the mental synthesis and support systems of the body. Which type of tissue does the disease target? A. epithelial a. Connective Nerve Muscle 6. The Internal environment off firm Is to thermostat as the human body Is to skin. Pancreas. Liver. Hypothalamus. Order in which they lapse? 1) The coloured removes glucose from the gillyflower. 2) The body absorbs nourishment molecules after eating. As the body uses glucose for muscularity, the liver releases stored glucose into the filiation. 4) The levels of glucose in the blood rise. B. 4,132 8. An imbalance in blood glucose levels causes which of the following diseases? A. malignant neoplastic disease b. Parkinson disease c. Diabetes d. AIDS 9. Which organ maintains homeostasis by regulating the amount of bread in the blood? A. Stomach b. Liver d. Heart 10. Which of the following statements is non true about the process of pass? A. Sweating is more probable to occur on hot days than cool days. B. Sweating is apparent to occur after strenuous exercise. C. Evaporation of sweat warms the body. Excessive sweating provoke lead to dehydration. 1 1 . Why do you sometimes shiver when yo ure cold? A. The lack of heat causes your skin to tighten and work stiff. B. It causes blood to rush to the surface of your skin and release heat. C. Your muscles are shake off surplusage peeing to release heat. D. Your muscles are con bundleing in order to release heat. 12. The energy available in food can be measured in a lab by a. find its mass. Burning the food to release heat. C. Analyzing its chemical substance structure. Calculating its volume. 13. A elevator car is to gasoline as your body is to your stomach. Our kidneys. C. DOD. Enzymes. 14. A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of the body by 10 Celsius. Raise the temperature of 1 g of fat by 10 Celsius. C. Raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 10 Celsius. Raise the temperature of 1 gallon of water by 10 Celsius. 15. An example of foods high in fiber is unit of measurement grain bread. Butter. . Eggs. Fish. 16. Starches are to simple sugars as proteins are to fatty acids. stunt woman bonds. C. Amino acids. 17. What makes inwrought fatty acids and essential amino acids different from ones that arent essential? A.Essential nutrients are more important than others, so he body take more of them. B. Nutrients that are essential cannot be made by the body, so they must be obtained from food. C. Brain cells need only the essential nutrients, so they are important for clear thinking. D. All essential nutrients are water-soluble, so they all must be replaced every day. 18. Which of the following foods are a good source of water-soluble vitamins? Eggs Dairy pro channels . Vegetable oils citrous fruit fruits 19. A doctor tells his uncomplaining that his thyroid hormone levels are low. Which of these foods should the patient increase in his diet? A.Poultry and grains b. Seafood . Vegetables d. Bread and cereal 20. Which of the following foods is a major source of vitamin D? A. Yogurt, and cheese b. Leafy green vegetables c. unhurt grains d. Fruit Milk, per centum of C alories from fat, of which only 20 percent should be from unsaturated fats. B. 30 percent of Calories from unsaturated fat, in addition to 10 percent from saturated fats. C. 50 percent of Calories from saturated fats. D. 30 percent of Calories from fat, of which only 7 percent should be from saturated fats and 1 percent from trans fats. 22. more or less how many collieries does the average teenager need per day? atomic number 6 to two hundred b. 500t0600 c. 2200 to 2800 d. 10,000 23. When a doctor suggests following a diet low in saturated fats, which of these products is preferred when cooking? A. Oils with single bonds among their carbon atoms b. Oils with echo bonds between their carbon atoms c. Animal fats, which are solid at agency temperature d. Butter, which is solid at room temperature range of a function 30-1 24. Look at Figure 30-1 . In which structure is water extracted from digested food? A. B 25. Which structure in Figure 30-1 uses muscle contractions to produce a churning motion that breaks up food? A.C ermines that regulate blood sugar levels b. Producing enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids c. Producing cheekiness Producing sodium bicarbonate, a base that neutralizes stomach acid 27. Where does the process of chemical digestion begin? Esophagi . Small intestine Mouth 28. Through which structure do wastes pass into the rectum? A. Large intestine Villous Duodenum 29. What muscular tube carries food between the pharynx and the stomach? Small intestine Epiglottis . Esophagi its description? A. density the carnal and chemical breakdown of food into small molecules. B.Ingestion the process of getting food into the opening of the digestive tract. C. Elimination the movement of small molecules from the digestive tract into the blood. D. Digestion undigested materials pass out of the body. 31. What enzyme found in saliva breaks chemical bonds in starches forming sugars? A. Amylase Chem.. Pepsin Hydrochlori c acid 32. What does mechanical digestion in the stomach involve? Absorption of nutrients by villa Pepsin and bile . Smooth muscle contractions Bile and pancreatic legato 33. After complex organic molecules have been absorbed in the small intestine, what materials are left behind? Protein and carbohydrates b. Water and cellulose c. Fats and starches d. Chem.. And bolus Figure 30-2 34. Look at Figure 30-2. Filtered blood leaves the kidney and returns to circulation through the a. Renal artery. B. Renal vein. C. Urinary bladder. D. Urethra. 35. Which structure in Figure 30-2 removes excess water, urea and metabolic waste from the blood? A. Kidney b. Renal vein c. Urinary bladder d. Router down nutrients. Remove wastes. C. draw in nutrients. Prevent infection. 37. Which of the following is not part of a neoprene? Urethra Loop of Henley . slumberous Bowmans capsule 38.In the kidneys, both useful substances and wastes are removed from the blood by a. Reapportion. Excretion. C. Dialysi s. Filtration. 39. What role does skin play in the excretory system? Secretes excess water as sweat Protects against pathogens . Absorbs water through osmosis Facilitates gas counterchange 40. The activity of the kidneys is controlled by hormones and by the a. Of nutrients. B. raft of filtrate. C. Composition of the blood. D. Composition of the urine. Volume 41. Which structure in the kidneys neoprene is mainly responsible for the filtration of the blood? A. Collecting duct b. Loop of Henley c.Slumberous . Bowmans capsule 42. What percentage of the filtrates water that enters Bowmans capsule is reabsorbed into the blood? A. 100 percent b. 99 percent c. 50 percent d. Less than 25 percent treatments three times a week. What does the process of dialysis do? A. water system to the urinary bladder b. Pumps blood throughout the body c. Filters waste from the blood d. Forces water into cells and tissues by osmosis Carries 44. A lab technician performs a urine epitome and notes the patie nt should be tested for diabetes. What was present in the urine try on? A. Low levels of protein b. Crystallized calcium deposits.

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